Leap into a bright future .
Building a vision towards their goals
Identification, Nurturing and Mentoring Gifted Adolescents
In the Indian collegiate system, the junior college is an intermediate step before a student determines the direction of their life. As rightly decreed by the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC), giftedness is dynamic, not static. Identification needs to occur over time, likely time and again through a child’s formative years. The nurturing program at this level consists of field visits to higher educational institutes, industries as well as interactions with inspiring and accomplished talented adults in specialised areas.
Conducting Specialized Youth Nurturing Programs
A collegiate-level gifted student needs different molding than a gifted child at school. After re-identification, we conduct refined nurturing programs that suit gifted college-level students.
Residential Camps
Students are invited to an offsite location where differentiated group activities are conducted that explore & hone intellectual and soft skills.
Internship Camps
We collaborate with top-notch companies to organize internship camps which give selected gifted students an opportunity to handle practical challenges.
Mentoring Katta
Alumni are called upon to share their experiences, respond to gifted students’ queries, and have a productive give and take.
Parent Mentorship
Sessions for the parents of re-identified students are also conducted by inhouse facilitators in various forms, along with open discussions.
Nurturing the Gifted Youth
Glimpses from the program
Interested in organizing a nurturing program at your junior college? Reach out to us and we will plan something soon!