Date: 2023

Conference/Publication: Presentation at Virtual conference, WCGTC 2023

Presenters/Authors: Dr. Devasena Desai, Dr. Sameena Manasawala


Gifted education policy in India is at its nascent stage. Kurup and Roy (2015) stated that there is a need to build theoretical frameworks for gifted education in India. We propose the Kaveri Gifted Nurturing Model which is elicited from the Panchakosh. This is a human development model proposed in the Taittiriya Upanishad. Panch means five, Koshas means sheaths. The five sheaths comprise of Annamaya Kosh (food or gross-matter), Pranamaya Kosh (life or vital energy), Manomaya Kosh (perception and emotions), Vigyanmaya Kosh (intelligence or thought), and Anandmaya Kosh (bliss). The Kaveri Gifted Nurturing Model seems a good fit to our socio-cultural context. This model meets the nurturing needs of the gifted children and equally addresses the spiritual aspect as much as the intellectual aspect of development.

Manasawala, S., Desai, D. (2023, Aug 5-6, 12-13). Kaveri Gifted Nurturing Model elicited from Panchakosh. [Conference presentation]. Virtual World Conference, 2023.