For Researchers & Policy Makers

Establishing Gifted Units


Building Resource Materials .

Informative Material

Research Repository

We maintain and curate a collection of the latest scientific articles, books and other informative material in the area of gifted education. These books and scientific articles serve as important reference material for those interested in enriching their understanding and knowledge in order to support the needs of gifted children.
Our resources and research publications will be of interest to parents, researchers, psychologists or professionals working in the field of education.


KGERC frequently works with researchers and educators in India and abroad. This give and take facilitates the exchange of ideas, further advocacy of gifted education, and the development of even more effective tools for nurturing the needs of gifted students. Our research collaborations also help us innovate our curriculums and identification methods.
We welcome other educators and professionals who work in the field of gifted education to connect with us for research collaborations.

Nurturing the Gifted

Glimpses from the program

View our research papers online to get insights into various aspects of giftedness and our methodology.