Providing Support and Clarity .
Training You to Detect the Spark
Identification Guidance
As constant companions, parents have the unique opportunity to glean a special spark in their child early on that perhaps a teacher may not.
As stalwarts in the gifted education sector, we know that every child is like a snowflake – unique and distinguished.
Due to emotional attachments, lack of awareness about gifted education, or confusion about the roadmap ahead, parents often have a hard time being objective about their child’s giftedness.
Spotting giftedness traits
To be of assistance, we have a handy list of common giftedness traits that might help you make a fair assessment.
Relying on Standardised Tests/Tools
Options for formal testing
Formal methods of identification are available to confirm your observations about the child’s talents as well as to understand the level of potential in the child.
To get your child tested, you can follow one of the following options:
Sharing the Experiences
Parent Support Groups
Gifted children need distinguished collaborative efforts from educators, mentors, counsellors, and, of course, parents.
You as parents are your child’s best advocate. Being unique and different and finding one’s place among peers and in the world, is a life-long journey for a gifted individual. A solid home foundation thus becomes a crucial part in the lives of gifted students.
To prepare parents for the needs and challenges ahead, KGERC has established Parent Support Groups, a collaborative community that bands together for advice, comfort, and experience-sharing.
For parents of gifted children this creates a platform to share and take pride in their child’s achievements without reservations or hesitation experienced usually with parents of non-gifted. Parents are also able to empathize with each other, become acquainted with future pathways from parents of older children, and share their insights and wisdom with others.
We organize meetings that are open to the community. Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday of every month from 10AM to 12PM at the KGERC office and the 3rd Saturday of every month from 10AM to 12PM at the KGERC center at KHSB (Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao High-school).
Mathematics and Science Activities
Jigyasa - An Impetus to a Curious Mind
For age 10+ years
This book of 20 activities is presented to the young learners whose curiosity tends them to explore through the natural world. This set of 10 activities each within the academic strands of Mathematics and Science, intends to provide rich stimuli and also guides them through understanding of various concepts using self-learning methods such as observation, guided exploration or in some cases focussed discussion with peer or adult experts. The open-ended questions are ample, so as to develop a strong analytical mind. The online
web links given will help the learners to look out for in-depth conceptual understanding or find more of such exploratory activities.
Published by: KGERC
Building the Parent Community